* 16 Dec. 1974 in Pinneberg (near Hamburg)
lives and works in Düsseldorf, Germany
2001–2005 Academy of Fine Arts in Düsseldorf, with Thomas Ruff
2000–2001 University of Art (HBK) in Braunschweig, with Dörte Eißfeldt
1999/2000 Hiroshima City University, Faculty of Art, Hiroshima, Japan
1996–2000 University of Applied Sciences and Arts in Hannover, Fine Arts (Painting and Photography), with Peter Tuma
2022 Grant from Stiftung Kunstfonds, Bonn
2020 Grant from Stiftung Kunstfonds, Bonn
2018 Travel grant for Chongqing, China
2017 Grant from Stiftung Kunstfonds, Bonn
2017 Artist-in-Residence, Pink Factory, Hongcheon, South Korea
2013 Artist-in-Residence, estemp, São Paulo, Brazil
2011 Scholarship for media art, onomato e.V., Düsseldorf
2009 Kunststiftung North-Rhine-Westphalia, project funding
2009 ifa (Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen, Stuttgart), project funding
2006+2007 Staatskanzlei North-Rhine-Westphalia, travel fellowship for artists, Norway
1999 DAAD, scholarship for the Hiroshima City University, Faculty of Art, Japan
since 2017 Neue Fotografie, Düsseldorf, platform for artistic photography, initialised with Hannes Norberg
2015–2017 University of Cologne, Institute for Art & Art theory, lectureship for artistic photography
Solo Exhibitions, Projects / Selection
2024 Lärm und Staub (Noise and Dust), as part of a project by Neue Fotografie, LED wall at Johannes-Rau-Haus, Düsseldorf
2024 Komplimente, exhibition series Stille Projektionen (project by Anne Schülke), Quartier am Hafen c/o Club Eigelstein, Cologne
2023 „“ (with Christina Kral), Studiospace Langestraße 31, Frankfurt a. M.
2021 Creation of a chronogram for Museum Haus Opherdicke, Kreis Unna
2021 innen inside intérieur, Künstlerloge Ratingen
2021 Ettlinger/Schmidt (with Stefan Ettlinger), Martin Leyer-Pritzkow, Düsseldorf
2020 Rendezvous, Martin Leyer-Pritzkow, Düsseldorf
2018 Außerhalb des Blickwinkels der Kamera, Martin Leyer-Pritzkow, Düsseldorf
2017 elle, Bove (exhibition project by Armin Hartenstein), Düsseldorf
2015 Blaue T-Shirts, Jeans und Turnschuhe (Blue T-shirts, Jeans and Trainers), Martin Leyer-Pritzkow, Düsseldorf
2014 Über Diebe und die Liebe (On Thieves and Love), Neuer Kunstverein Wuppertal
2013 Staccato, project in the public space, Kunstverein Paderborn
2011 23.9.1992, di.vitrine, Düsseldorf
2009 I can’t just be nowhere, Goethe-Institute Norway and ROM for Kunst og Arkitektur, Oslo, Norway
2008 Blaue Blume (with Stefan Löffelhardt), Pavilion Brunnenstrasse, Berlin
2006 Pictures on billboards, Düsseldorf
2005 Pictures on billboards, Photographische Sammlung / SK Stiftung Kultur, Köln
2005 zurück zum Glück, Galerie Gaby Kraushaar, Düsseldorf
Group Exhibitions, Projects / Selection
2025 REMIX, Museum Ratingen
2023 DIE GROSSE, Museum Kunstpalast, Düsseldorf
2021 Pictured as a Poem, KAI 10|ARTHENA FOUNDATION, Düsseldorf
2021 the kitchen happening (project by Judith Samen), Düsseldorf
2021 Sehnsucht nach dem Jetzt (Longing for the Now), part III, Weltkunstzimmer, Düsseldorf
2021 DIE GROSSE, Museum Kunstpalast, Düsseldorf
2020 Sehnsucht nach dem Jetzt, (Longing for the Now), part II, GEH8, Dresden
2020 Sehnsucht nach dem Jetzt, (Longing for the Now), part I, Schloss Biesdorf, Berlin
2019 Circle of Looks (project with Anne Schülke, Carol Pilars de Pilar and Adwoa Adjei), NRW-Forum Düsseldorf
2019 Flying Letters (project by Birgit Jensen), Cross Lane Projects, Kendal, England;
Clay Street Press, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
2018 Questioning Photography Now, The Galaxy Museum of Contemporary Art (GCA), Chongqing, China
2018 Bove-Expat, Kunstraum Düsseldorf
2018 Flying Letters/Vlugschrift/Flugblätter (project by Birgit Jensen), Pictura in Dordrecht, Netherlands; Renga-gura art & culture, Maebashi, Japan
2017 Moving shadow, Hongcheon Art Museum, Hongcheon, South Korea
2017 DIE GROSSE, Museum Kunstpalast, Düsseldorf
2016 Daimon, onomato Künstlerverein, Düsseldorf
2015 Experimentale, Heinrich-Heine-Institut, Düsseldorf
2014 5×3 (curated by Bea Otto; with Alien Oosting and Eleni Kamma), Kunstraum Düsseldorf
2014 another place / another space / together, off and project spaces (curated by Karl-Heinz Rummeny), Quadrennial Düsseldorf
2013 Neblina no outro lado da rua (with Hannes Norberg and Juergen Staack), estemp, São Paulo, Brazil
2012 Die Sprache ist das Haus in dem wir leben, Kunstfilmtag, Künstlerverein Malkasten, Düsseldorf
2012 Fehlstelle, Städtische Galerie Offenburg
2011 Maulwurftremor, Villa Marx, Viersen
2010 Raum Follows Function (project by Johannes Döring), Foyer, Düsseldorf
2009 La Zona (with Fehlstelle), installation in the public space, Milan, Italy
2009 couples & relations, DREI Raum für Gegenwartskunst, Cologne
2009 Rachel, pilot_ projekt für Kunst e.V., Düsseldorf
2008 Congress of Futurologists, Institute of Contemporary Art, Dunaújváros, Hungary
2008 Fehlstelle à Vallauris, video installation in the public space, Vallauris, France
2008 Stalking Utopia, Institute of Contemporary Art, Dunaújváros, Hungary
2007 Kongress der Futurologen, Aktivist, Eisenhüttenstadt
2007 Dialoge, Museum für Photographie Braunschweig
2007 01/01, poliflur, Berlin
2007 Abwesenheitsnotizen (with Fehlstelle), Museum Abteiberg, Mönchengladbach
2007 Plat(t)form 07, Fotomuseum Winterthur, Switzerland
2006 Wazzup, Fotogalerie Wien, Austria
2006 Rachel, Laden 44, Düsseldorf
2005 Muse heute, Städtische Galerie and Kunsthalle Bremen
2005 Dialoge, Siemens Arts Program, Düsseldorf, Cologne, Krefeld
Collaboration on Exhibition and Publication Projects
2022 Vor den Bildern. Fotografie als Inspiration (Photography as Inspiration), international exhibition with 31 participating artists, concept and organisation together with: Hannes Norberg, Katharina Maderthaner und Christian Schreckenberger, NKR – Neuer Kunstraum, Düsseldorf
2020 + 2021 Benefit for Artists, with Juergen Staack, solidarity project by artists for artists, online actions: benefit-for-artists.net
seit 2017 Neue Fotografie, platform for artistic photography, with Hannes Norberg, Internet presence of projects by international artists
2016 zat No. 4, artists’ editions, ed: Anne Schülke, Detlef Klepsch, Thyra Schmidt
2015 Curation of the show Hellwach in der Dämmerung zeigt sich die Schönheit – Darauf hatte sie nur gelacht und JA gesagt, as part oft the exhibition series 5×3 at Kunstraum Düsseldorf
2010 Katalog, exhibition project with Hannes Norberg and Tobias Hantmann, Künstlerhaus Sootbörn, Hamburg
2006–2007 Rachel, artist-run space in Düsseldorf, organized together with Yun Lee and Veronika Peddinghaus
2003–2012 Fehlstelle, artist group with Johannes Döring Barbara Hilski, Thomas Neumann and Juergen Staack, collaborative projects and installations in public space, in Germany and abroad
Publications / Selection
2023 Thyra Schmidt: Rendezvous, with accompanying texts by Marion Eisele and Sebastian Olma, Distanz Verlag, Berlin
2019 Thyra Schmidt: Über Diebe und die Liebe. On Thieves and Love, edition cantz / DCV, Berlin
2019 Circle of Looks. A Dream, artists’ book in 11 languages on the same named project with women who have fled to Germany, ed: Anne Schülke, Carol Pilars de Pilar, Thyra Schmidt
2017 Thyra Schmidt: Blaue T-Shirts, Jeans und Turnschuhe
2017 Pink Factory, residency catalogue, ed. Pink Factory, Hongcheon, South Korea
2014 Klasse. Buch, 64 positions from the class of Prof. Dörte Eißfeldt, ed: Dörte Eißfeldt, University of Art (HBK) in Braunschweig, Kehrer Verlag, Heidelberg Berlin
2012 Fehlstelle, artists’ book, with an interview between Valeria Liebermann and the artist group FEHLSTELLE, ed: Städtische Galerie, Offenburg, modo Verlag, Freiburg i. Br.
2010 Thyra Schmidt: I can’t just be nowhere, with accompanying texts by Anne Rodler and Thomas W. Rieger, extra Verlag, Berlin
2008 Thyra Schmidt: 9.07 2.08
2005 Muse heute?, exhibition catalogue, ed. Kunsthalle Bremen
2005 Dialoge, a project with students from the class of Prof. Thomas Ruff, Siemens Arts Program
Bibliography / Selection
2024 Angelica Horn, Vielfältige Beziehungen. Zur Ausstellung von Thyra Schmidt und Christina Kral in der Reihe „“ des Studiospace Langestraße Frankfurt
2022 Marion Eisele, Flowers of a narration, in: 2023, Thyra Schmidt. Rendezvous, Distanz Verlag, Berlin
2022 Astrid Gallinat, Körper [Body/Bodies], Artificialis, Bologna, www.artificialis.eu
2020 Sebastian Olma, The cut flower as art form. An encouragement, in: 2023, Thyra Schmidt. Rendezvous, Distanz Verlag, Berlin
2017 Astrid Gallinat, Two friends leave the room and walk in different directions, Artificialis, Bologna, www.artificialis.eu
2010 Anne Rodler, Between the intimate and the public, in: Thyra Schmidt. I can’t just be nowhere, extra Verlag, Berlin
2010 Thomas W. Rieger, Comprehending viewing, an exercise in confronting originals, in: Thyra Schmidt. I can’t just be nowhere, extra Verlag, Berlin
Public Lectures / Selection
2024 Neue Fotografie, lecture together with Hannes Norberg, as part of düsseldorf photo+ Biennale for Visual and Sonic Media
2023 Rendezvous, book launch together with Marion Eisele at Nachtfoyer Spezial, Kunsthalle Düsseldorf
2022 Pictured as a Poem, artists’ talk with Sarah Kürten and Marion Eisele, KAI 10 | Arthena Foundation, Düsseldorf
2020 Über Diebe und die Liebe. On Thieves and Love, book reading at Nachtfoyer Spezial, Kunsthalle Düsseldorf
2016 Jetzt oder vorher (Now or before), lecture, organized by Anne Schülke, Literaturhaus Dortmund
2013 Jemand redet vor sich her und jemand kommt dazu (Someone talks to oneself and someone joins in), lecture, onomato e.V., Düsseldorf
2009 I can’t just be nowhere, lecture, ROM for Kunst og Arkitektur, Oslo, Norway
* 16 Dec. 1974 in Pinneberg (near Hamburg)
lives and works in Düsseldorf, Germany
2001–2005 Academy of Fine Arts in Düsseldorf, with Thomas Ruff
2000–2001 University of Art (HBK) in Braunschweig, with Dörte Eißfeldt
1999/2000 Hiroshima City University, Faculty of Art, Hiroshima, Japan
1996–2000 University of Applied Sciences and Arts in Hannover, Fine Arts (Painting and Photography), with Peter Tuma
2022 Grant from Stiftung Kunstfonds, Bonn
2020 Grant from Stiftung Kunstfonds, Bonn
2018 Travel grant for Chongqing, China
2017 Grant from Stiftung Kunstfonds, Bonn
2017 Artist-in-Residence, Pink Factory, Hongcheon, South Korea
2013 Artist-in-Residence, estemp, São Paulo, Brazil
2011 Scholarship for media art, onomato e.V., Düsseldorf
2009 Kunststiftung North-Rhine-Westphalia, project funding
2009 ifa (Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen, Stuttgart), project funding
2006+2007 Staatskanzlei North-Rhine-Westphalia, travel fellowship for artists, Norway
1999 DAAD, scholarship for the Hiroshima City University, Faculty of Art, Japan
since 2017 Neue Fotografie, Düsseldorf, platform for artistic photography, initialised with Hannes Norberg
2015–2017 University of Cologne, Institute for Art & Art theory, lectureship for artistic photography
Solo Exhibitions, Projects / Selection
2024 Lärm und Staub (Noise and Dust), as part of a project by Neue Fotografie, LED wall at Johannes-Rau-Haus, Düsseldorf
2024 Komplimente, exhibition series Stille Projektionen (project by Anne Schülke), Quartier am Hafen c/o Club Eigelstein, Cologne
2023 „“ (with Christina Kral), Studiospace Langestraße 31, Frankfurt a. M.
2021 Creation of a chronogram for Museum Haus Opherdicke, Kreis Unna
2021 innen inside intérieur, Künstlerloge Ratingen
2021 Ettlinger/Schmidt (with Stefan Ettlinger), Martin Leyer-Pritzkow, Düsseldorf
2020 Rendezvous, Martin Leyer-Pritzkow, Düsseldorf
2018 Außerhalb des Blickwinkels der Kamera, Martin Leyer-Pritzkow, Düsseldorf
2017 elle, Bove (exhibition project by Armin Hartenstein), Düsseldorf
2015 Blaue T-Shirts, Jeans und Turnschuhe (Blue T-shirts, Jeans and Trainers), Martin Leyer-Pritzkow, Düsseldorf
2014 Über Diebe und die Liebe (On Thieves and Love), Neuer Kunstverein Wuppertal
2013 Staccato, project in the public space, Kunstverein Paderborn
2011 23.9.1992, di.vitrine, Düsseldorf
2009 I can’t just be nowhere, Goethe-Institute Norway and ROM for Kunst og Arkitektur, Oslo, Norway
2008 Blaue Blume (with Stefan Löffelhardt), Pavilion Brunnenstrasse, Berlin
2006 Pictures on billboards, Düsseldorf
2005 Pictures on billboards, Photographische Sammlung / SK Stiftung Kultur, Köln
2005 zurück zum Glück, Galerie Gaby Kraushaar, Düsseldorf
Group Exhibitions, Projects / Selection
2025 REMIX, Museum Ratingen
2023 DIE GROSSE, Museum Kunstpalast, Düsseldorf
2021 Pictured as a Poem, KAI 10|ARTHENA FOUNDATION, Düsseldorf
2021 the kitchen happening (project by Judith Samen), Düsseldorf
2021 Sehnsucht nach dem Jetzt (Longing for the Now), part III, Weltkunstzimmer, Düsseldorf
2021 DIE GROSSE, Museum Kunstpalast, Düsseldorf
2020 Sehnsucht nach dem Jetzt, (Longing for the Now), part II, GEH8, Dresden
2020 Sehnsucht nach dem Jetzt, (Longing for the Now), part I, Schloss Biesdorf, Berlin
2019 Circle of Looks (project with Anne Schülke, Carol Pilars de Pilar and Adwoa Adjei), NRW-Forum Düsseldorf
2019 Flying Letters (project by Birgit Jensen), Cross Lane Projects, Kendal, England;
Clay Street Press, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
2018 Questioning Photography Now, The Galaxy Museum of Contemporary Art (GCA), Chongqing, China
2018 Bove-Expat, Kunstraum Düsseldorf
2018 Flying Letters/Vlugschrift/Flugblätter (project by Birgit Jensen), Pictura in Dordrecht, Netherlands; Renga-gura art & culture, Maebashi, Japan
2017 Moving shadow, Hongcheon Art Museum, Hongcheon, South Korea
2017 DIE GROSSE, Museum Kunstpalast, Düsseldorf
2016 Daimon, onomato Künstlerverein, Düsseldorf
2015 Experimentale, Heinrich-Heine-Institut, Düsseldorf
2014 5×3 (curated by Bea Otto; with Alien Oosting and Eleni Kamma), Kunstraum Düsseldorf
2014 another place / another space / together, off and project spaces (curated by Karl-Heinz Rummeny), Quadrennial Düsseldorf
2013 Neblina no outro lado da rua (with Hannes Norberg and Juergen Staack), estemp, São Paulo, Brazil
2012 Die Sprache ist das Haus in dem wir leben, Kunstfilmtag, Künstlerverein Malkasten, Düsseldorf
2012 Fehlstelle, Städtische Galerie Offenburg
2011 Maulwurftremor, Villa Marx, Viersen
2010 Raum Follows Function (project by Johannes Döring), Foyer, Düsseldorf
2009 La Zona (with Fehlstelle), installation in the public space, Milan, Italy
2009 couples & relations, DREI Raum für Gegenwartskunst, Cologne
2009 Rachel, pilot_ projekt für Kunst e.V., Düsseldorf
2008 Congress of Futurologists, Institute of Contemporary Art, Dunaújváros, Hungary
2008 Fehlstelle à Vallauris, video installation in the public space, Vallauris, France
2008 Stalking Utopia, Institute of Contemporary Art, Dunaújváros, Hungary
2007 Kongress der Futurologen, Aktivist, Eisenhüttenstadt
2007 Dialoge, Museum für Photographie Braunschweig
2007 01/01, poliflur, Berlin
2007 Abwesenheitsnotizen (with Fehlstelle), Museum Abteiberg, Mönchengladbach
2007 Plat(t)form 07, Fotomuseum Winterthur, Switzerland
2006 Wazzup, Fotogalerie Wien, Austria
2006 Rachel, Laden 44, Düsseldorf
2005 Muse heute, Städtische Galerie and Kunsthalle Bremen
2005 Dialoge, Siemens Arts Program, Düsseldorf, Cologne, Krefeld
Collaboration on Exhibition and Publication Projects
2022 Vor den Bildern. Fotografie als Inspiration (Photography as Inspiration), international exhibition with 31 participating artists, concept and organisation together with: Hannes Norberg, Katharina Maderthaner und Christian Schreckenberger, NKR – Neuer Kunstraum, Düsseldorf
2020 + 2021 Benefit for Artists, with Juergen Staack, solidarity project by artists for artists, online actions: benefit-for-artists.net
seit 2017 Neue Fotografie, platform for artistic photography, with Hannes Norberg, Internet presence of projects by international artists
2016 zat No. 4, artists’ editions, ed: Anne Schülke, Detlef Klepsch, Thyra Schmidt
2015 Curation of the show Hellwach in der Dämmerung zeigt sich die Schönheit – Darauf hatte sie nur gelacht und JA gesagt, as part oft the exhibition series 5×3 at Kunstraum Düsseldorf
2010 Katalog, exhibition project with Hannes Norberg and Tobias Hantmann, Künstlerhaus Sootbörn, Hamburg
2006–2007 Rachel, artist-run space in Düsseldorf, organized together with Yun Lee and Veronika Peddinghaus
2003–2012 Fehlstelle, artist group with Johannes Döring Barbara Hilski, Thomas Neumann and Juergen Staack, collaborative projects and installations in public space, in Germany and abroad
Publications / Selection
2023 Thyra Schmidt: Rendezvous, with accompanying texts by Marion Eisele and Sebastian Olma, Distanz Verlag, Berlin
2019 Thyra Schmidt: Über Diebe und die Liebe. On Thieves and Love, edition cantz / DCV, Berlin
2019 Circle of Looks. A Dream, artists’ book in 11 languages on the same named project with women who have fled to Germany, ed: Anne Schülke, Carol Pilars de Pilar, Thyra Schmidt
2017 Thyra Schmidt: Blaue T-Shirts, Jeans und Turnschuhe
2017 Pink Factory, residency catalogue, ed. Pink Factory, Hongcheon, South Korea
2014 Klasse. Buch, 64 positions from the class of Prof. Dörte Eißfeldt, ed: Dörte Eißfeldt, University of Art (HBK) in Braunschweig, Kehrer Verlag, Heidelberg Berlin
2012 Fehlstelle, artists’ book, with an interview between Valeria Liebermann and the artist group FEHLSTELLE, ed: Städtische Galerie, Offenburg, modo Verlag, Freiburg i. Br.
2010 Thyra Schmidt: I can’t just be nowhere, with accompanying texts by Anne Rodler and Thomas W. Rieger, extra Verlag, Berlin
2008 Thyra Schmidt: 9.07 2.08
2005 Muse heute?, exhibition catalogue, ed. Kunsthalle Bremen
2005 Dialoge, a project with students from the class of Prof. Thomas Ruff, Siemens Arts Program
Bibliography / Selection
2024 Angelica Horn, Vielfältige Beziehungen. Zur Ausstellung von Thyra Schmidt und Christina Kral in der Reihe „“ des Studiospace Langestraße Frankfurt
2022 Marion Eisele, Flowers of a narration, in: 2023, Thyra Schmidt. Rendezvous, Distanz Verlag, Berlin
2022 Astrid Gallinat, Körper [Body/Bodies], Artificialis, Bologna, www.artificialis.eu
2020 Sebastian Olma, The cut flower as art form. An encouragement, in: 2023, Thyra Schmidt. Rendezvous, Distanz Verlag, Berlin
2017 Astrid Gallinat, Two friends leave the room and walk in different directions, Artificialis, Bologna, www.artificialis.eu
2010 Anne Rodler, Between the intimate and the public, in: Thyra Schmidt. I can’t just be nowhere, extra Verlag, Berlin
2010 Thomas W. Rieger, Comprehending viewing, an exercise in confronting originals, in: Thyra Schmidt. I can’t just be nowhere, extra Verlag, Berlin
Public Lectures / Selection
2024 Neue Fotografie, lecture together with Hannes Norberg, as part of düsseldorf photo+ Biennale for Visual and Sonic Media
2023 Rendezvous, book launch together with Marion Eisele at Nachtfoyer Spezial, Kunsthalle Düsseldorf
2022 Pictured as a Poem, artists’ talk with Sarah Kürten and Marion Eisele, KAI 10 | Arthena Foundation, Düsseldorf
2020 Über Diebe und die Liebe. On Thieves and Love, book reading at Nachtfoyer Spezial, Kunsthalle Düsseldorf
2016 Jetzt oder vorher (Now or before), lecture, organized by Anne Schülke, Literaturhaus Dortmund
2013 Jemand redet vor sich her und jemand kommt dazu (Someone talks to oneself and someone joins in), lecture, onomato e.V., Düsseldorf
2009 I can’t just be nowhere, lecture, ROM for Kunst og Arkitektur, Oslo, Norway